The Non-Profit Executive

Thursday, August 24, 2006

So, you are about to become an Executive Director at a small organization...

Since lots of people find themselves in the situation of trying to figure out what they need to know as a new Executive Director, I thought it would be best to share widely the information that I have discovered in my 2 years as one with a small non-profit organization in Washington DC.

I hope this helps!



  • I would love to see this and I think it would surely help me, but I don't see anything attached or linked to. Am I just missing it?


    By Blogger Unknown, at 2:45 PM  

  • Julie, The blog is here, I am not sure what your question is. Can you be more specific as to what you would like to see?

    By Blogger Muriel, at 2:58 PM  

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